Free Your Mind

Free your Mind and Make Your Style.

My outfit that day is a simple jeans and a floral top matched with a yellow cardigan. Jeans can be really tough to deal with especially when facing a crotch-problem. Make sure to choose jeans that fit your waist perfectly as it accentuated your figure.

The main piece in this mix is the floral top added with a vintage-winged necklace. The top fits perfectly in chest area as it gives a robust and decent focus on my small, humble breasts. The waist then flows into a semi-flared effect that shows sexy pleats as the garment flows when you walk.

The Choice of the Sandal was simple and more neglected. I'm really not much of a shoe person but I'll try learning the ways in shopping one as I have a poor taste when it comes to that department. Shoes are elegant, I admit, and play a vital role in an outfit. That's why the deserve to have quality and quality means expensive.



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