Joyeb's Choz!na

Joyeb's Choz!na (cucina) added with a touch of Divine's fave catchphrase (opchurs! mader siya ng mga beks) so needed to be acknowledged para walang werla. Anyways, moving on.. The picture simply imply just the frying a couple of drumsticks dipped into the pan. It's nothing new really, It's not even worth any cookbook supremacy but for a moment, I cooked something out from myself that is worth the taste. I won't conclude I'm bad at the kitchen, I did have my fair share of failed cuisine but I have to say for this I got the crispy-looking and juicylicious like the one's in Jollibee (wooohooo! for me). I know the secret was just a bathe in the crispy fry formula but if you don't know timing then there's no chance in getting a nice-to-know-you to a crispy chicken, I say. I also like to add a little vid of my fave Pinay celeb, Karylle. Courtesy by Ms. Divine Lee, upon checking her vonggang vlag with a youtube Kitchen Musical. Enjoy!



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